Monticello Tulip Poplar Special Offer

Something Old, Something New

I was recently contacted by a true patron of the arts about some pieces of mine that he and his wife had purchased some years ago. They have settled in the Charlottesville area and have perforce been downsizing. They offered me back this fine Monticello Tulip Poplar bowl, but I could not see re-selling it for myself. However, we found a solution: all proceeds will go as a sponsorship to the Artisans Studio Tour, which they have faithfully supported for many years, and it certainly is a fine cause to support.  If you are interested please contact me at

This is from the very first set of bowls I turned from the first Monticello Tulip Poplar to come down. It features many ant holes and must have been from down near the base. It was turned in 2008, the year the tree was taken down, and was 201 years old at the time. It is 17 1/2″ dia. by 8″ tall and is certainly a unique piece.      $750